HOME > Field of business > High efficiency incineration plant |
Energy required for
production of
1 ton of steam
(Recovery efficiency;
100% based on)
Boiler kerosene
Bunker C-oil
Low calorific value
8,450 kcal/L
8,350 kcal/L
9,550 kcal/N㎥
9,350 kcal/L
Unit price
1,186.72 won/L
682.49 won/L
676.70 won/㎥
660.62 won/L
Consumption amount
85.3 L
86.4 L
75.5 ㎥
77.1 L
Production cost
101,227 won
58,967 won
51,090 won
50,933 won
※ The price of each fuel is based on the price of Feb. 2017 (Korea national oil corporation, The Korea coal Corporation), and
based on steam calorie 669.05kcal/kg(25kg/㎠.g).
LNG, however, is based on the price of Mar. 2017. (Seoul City Gas Co., Ltd.)
won⇒korean won |