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Date : 27/05/2015 |
Selected as an institute in charge of national research project, Energy technology development business, 2015. |
SGE Energy Co., Ltd. was selected as an institute in charge of technology development research project, supported by state, as shown listed below, with regards to “Energy technology development business, 2015”, announced by the minister of the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy.
SGE Energy Co., Ltd. will contribute to the national energy industry as a venture company to lead the new regeneration energy technology development through the industry-academic joint research continuously.
1. Institute to assess Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
2. Business name of technology research Energy technology development business new regeneration energy core technology research project, of the first half year of 2015. 3. Technology research task name Export associated mixed waste cogeneration process improvement technology development 4. The purpose of Technology research development Export associated based technology secured. Cogeneration process improvement technology established, using the mixed waste. Mixed waste cogeneration efficiency optimized. 5. Institute in charge SGE Energy Co., Ltd. 6. Participating institutes. HANSOL SEENTEC CO., KIMM(KOREA INSTITUTE OF MACHINERY AND MATERIALS), KITech (KOREA INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY), YONSEI UNIVERSITY industry-academic cooperation department, and CHUNGBUK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY industry-academic cooperation department. 7. Research development period 05.01.2015~04.30.2018 (36 months) |